Unblinding a Patient's Treatment or Package Assignment

Unblinding allows users to determine:

  • the treatment group to which the patient was randomized
  • the contents of all packages assigned to the patient
  • the contents of packages at the site that were not assigned to any patient (This option is available in case a manually or incorrectly dispenses a package to a patient)

The following simulation will walk you through the process of performing a treatment, assigned package, and unassigned package unblinding actions.

Mouse Icon NOTE: The patient associated to the unblinding will be automatically discontinued when treatment or package is unblinded.

Mouse Icon All unblinding actions are recorded in the audit tables and can be viewed by running the Treatment and Package Unblinding Report.

Mouse Icon NOTE: Unblinding unassigned packages at a site will result in the packages being made unavailable. The patient number used to process the request will be automatically discontinued as well.